Pyqt text edit
Pyqt text edit

Get syntax by next parameters (fill as many, as known): If pos is an integer, it is interpreted as absolute position, if a tuple - as (line, column) detectSyntax ( xmlFileName=None, mimeType=None, language=None, sourceFilePath=None, firstLine=None ) ¶ If pos is an integer, it is interpreted as absolute position, if a tuple - as (line, column) insertText ( pos, text ) ¶ Replace length symbols from pos with new text. Use this method for saving a file to storage resetSelection ( ) ¶


This method MUST be called before application stop to avoid crashes andĬall it on close to free memory and stop background highlighting textForSaving ( ) ¶ Parameters contain color and text to be displayed on an indicator.

  • vimModeIndicationChanged(color, text) Vim mode changed.
  • ``vimModeEnabledChanged(enabled) Vim mode has been enabled or disabled.
  • indentUseTabsChanged(bool) Indentation uses tab property changed.
  • indentWidthChanged(int) Indentation width changed.
  • languageChanged(langName)` Language has changed.
  • userWarning(text)` Warning, which shall be shown to the user on status bar.
  • Nested atomic operations are joined in one operation In this case, you can use Qutepart as a context manager.: you want to indent (insert indentation) few lines of text, but user shall be able to Sometimes, it is required to make few text modifications, which are Undo-Redoble as atomic operation. * invokeCompletionAction - Invoke completion
  • unIndentWithSpaceAction - Unindent all selected lines by 1 space symbol.
  • indentWithSpaceAction - Indent all selected lines by 1 space symbol.
  • decreaseIndentAction - Decrease indentation by 1 level.
  • increaseIndentAction - Increase indentation by 1 level.
  • selectAndScrollDownAction - Select 1 line Down and scroll.
  • selectAndScrollUpAction - Select 1 line Up and scroll.
  • scrollDownAction - Scroll viewport Down.
  • prevBookmarkAction - Jump to previous bookmark.
  • nextBookmarkAction - Jump to next bookmark.
  • toggleBookmarkAction - Set/Clear bookmark on current block.
  • See also vimModeIndicationChanged.Ĭomponent contains list of actions (QAction instances).Īctions can be insered to some menu, a shortcut and an icon can be configured. This read-only property contains (QColor, str) to be displayed on the label. VimModeIndication - An application shall display a label, which shows current Vim mode. VimModeEnabled - read-write property switches Vim mode. Type is one of `Qutepart.LINT_ERROR, Qutepart.LINT_WARNING, Qutepart.LINT_NOTE)
  • lintMarks Linter messages as dictionary.
  • It is enabled, if completionEnabled is True.ĬompletionThreshold is count of typed symbols, after which completion is shown. Qutepart supports autocompletion, based on document contents.
  • drawAnyWhitespace - Draw trailing and other whitespaces, used as indentation.
  • Doesn’t have any effect if drawAnyWhitespace is True.
  • drawIncorrectIndentation - Draw trailing whitespaces, tabs if text is indented with spaces, spaces if text is indented with tabs.
  • lineLengthEdgeColor - Color of line length edge line.
  • Longer lines are marked with red (see lineLengthEdgeColor) line.
  • lineLengthEdge - If not None - maximal allowed line width (i.e.
  • indentUseTabs - If True, Tab character inserts \t, otherwise - spaces.
  • indentWidth - Width of Tab character, and width of one indentation level.
  • Rectangular selection is not available via API currently.
  • absSelectedPosition - selection coordinates as (startPosition, cursorPosition) where position is offset from the beginning of text.
  • selectedPosition - selection coordinates as ((startLine, startCol), (cursorLine, cursorCol)).
  • absCursorPosition - cursor position as offset from the beginning of text.
  • If line or column is bigger, than actual file, cursor will be placed to the last line, to the last column If column is set to None - cursor will be placed before first non-whitespace character.
  • cursorPosition - cursor position as (line, column).
  • lines # print all text as list of strings # iterate over lines. insert ( 1, 'new line' ) # insert new line before line 1 print qpart.

    pyqt text edit pyqt text edit

    append ( 'new line' ) # append new line to the end qpart. lines # delete lines 4, 5, 6 len ( qpart. lines = # replace value of 3 lines del qpart. lines # get 3 lines of text starting from the second line as list of strings qpart. lines = 'new text' # replace 3rd line value with 'new text' qpart. lines # get the last line of the text qpart.

    pyqt text edit

    lines # get the first line of the text qpart.

    Pyqt text edit